Magic Hour Photography

HDR Real Estate Photography

The time of the day that will make your property even more special

About 30 minutes before sunrise or after sunset you don’t have any direct sun light for the scenery but the ambient light of the sky and no shadows. Overall, you experience a gradient ranging from warm orange to cool dark blue — I like when there are some clouds present because they make any scene more interesting. That time period is the one for Magic Hour photography because a building or structure with illuminated Interior and Exterior will look magical.

Twilight is the time span approx. 30 minutes AFTER SUNSET or BEFORE SUNRISE.

Most people only consider the evening twilight period but keep in mind that some facades might present great in the morning.

Keep also in mind that the Magic Hour precedes the SUNSET or respectively follows a SUNRISE. You should also include in your planning which side of the structure you want to choose for some warm Magic Hour shots in Washington DC, Baltimore, Maryland and Northern Virginia.

HDR Real Estate Photography
$ 40 $ 50

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